Why is Party/Smoky Jollof, and how is it different?


Why is Party/Smoky Jollof, and how is it different?


In our last post we mentioned Jollof rice cooked in big pots and the difference in taste. Today we talk about if it’s myth or fact.

In some restaurants that offer the delicacy that is Jollof rice, you might find adjectives such as Party or Smoky. What is the difference to regular jollof?

To cook party/smoky jollof, the ingredient remains the same.

Tomatoes, Pepper, Oil, Salt, Curry, Garlic, Thyme, Rice, and the defining ingredient – Smoke.

Smoke? Yes smoke. It’s not called Smoky jollof for nothing.

For a full list of ingredients and how to cook Jollof rice, please visit our blog post below


Years ago, when Jollof was to be cooked for large events such as parties, it was cooked over firewood with large aluminium pots. The burning of the firewood gave off smoke that would engulf the area and sometimes cause teary eyes. Since the aluminium pots didn’t have any non-stick properties, it tended to burn the rice at the bottom of the pot as it cooked.

(Add party jollof image cooked with big pots)

The flavour from the burnt rice at the bottom, the smoke of the firewood and the general hazardous and less eco-friendly conditions in which this rice was cooked ironically gives it the unique and better taste than home-cooked jollof.

In modern times, some restaurants have been able to replicate the taste with smaller pots and less smoke.

One method has been by adding a layer of foil to the top of the pot before covering it to ensure the heat is evenly distributed, and the burning doesn’t happen just at the bottom and for too long. Others have kept the aluminium pots but substituted firewood for large gas burners. At least, less fallen trees, less pollution and we still get tasty jollof.

One thing does remain the same though, it is always a fact that party/smoky jollof tastes better, and we can’t wait to share it with you when you visit Jolly Jollof restaurant when it opens. If you have discovered more eco-friendly ways to achieve the Smoky Jollof taste, let us know in the comment section.


